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Capital Storm Inquiries: Deleting the Pride Boys' Performance on Social Media - Politics

Capital Storm Inquiries: Deleting the Pride Boys’ Performance on Social Media – Politics

Social media can be useful to find out quickly about others. Especially when they reveal a lot about themselves, they like to put on camera what they do in their spare time.

It is less practical if you commit suspicious crimes in these pictures and videos. For example, the Pride Boys make it easy for U.S. government investigators to clear the January 6 storm in Capitol.

Where they came from, how they went, what they said – all of these are shown in court documents because Joe Pix, the leader of the Pride Boys, and his people captured it in pictures and videos through their sites on social media.

Based on real-time documentation of these incidents, Pix has been charged since last month with spreading conspiracy theories and damaging government property. He is serving a long prison sentence. “When they tried to show how smart they were, they practically drew their own fees,” says Grand Fredericks, a video analyst who investigates the evidence against the Pride Boys. To the “New York Times”.

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The U.S. Justice Department a few weeks ago predicted that the Capitol storm test would be the largest in the country’s history. In the case of Joe Pix, investigators were able to verify personal communications with a search warrant. But that is only the tip of the iceberg.

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Investigators are examining a total of 1,600 electronic devices and approximately 210,000 notes from citizens. Most of these are videos, photos and social media posts. These include, among other things, fighting with police officers, causing damage to property, infiltrating MPs’ offices and destroying media property.

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According to video analyst Fredericks, it is clear that the Pride Boys “show a lot, but do not think ahead.” The New York Times reported on a suspect’s Facebook page: “I wanted to imprison a little.”

“She wouldn’t even be a defendant” without social media

Pictures and videos show Proud Boys leader Pix also knew he was acting illegally and that he was blaming himself. Because most of them wear masks to protect their identity. However, he removes the mask from an example of a video in the “New York Times” – to say “it’s better” on camera.

Another proud boy, Eduardo Nicolas Alvier Gonzalez, even collected videos and pictures on his personal laptop, the report said. He mistyped the name of the folder that contained the “Captol Storming” images, as evidenced by court documents.

Leader Pix is ​​said to have surrendered and admitted to being his accomplice – due to the huge load of evidence through pictures and videos. A lawyer is now proposing to ban defendants from social media. “If he wasn’t on social media, he wouldn’t even be a defendant.” The lawyer for one of the suspects told the Los Angeles Times.