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Antonio Venditti M5S

Cambodia’s Councilor Forza joins Italia

Can you like Silvio Berlusconi better than Pepe Grillo? Obviously yes. Until yesterday, those who had completely different ideas and ran in search of 5 stars, the former Prime Minister will still retain his charm (apparently political). The movement – you may remember – competed for a long time until they were defined as “runaways”. Maybe he had forgotten about it Antonio Ventiti, Municipal Councilor who recently joined the Municipal Council of Cambodia. Today, December 27, Mayor Roberto Gravina and the rest of the Grilli announced their decision to leave and join the Forza Italia.Project sharing They make a new political path possible.

Wendy may have been ‘fainted’ by the leader of the blue group in Palazzo San Giorgio on the road to Damascus. Mimmo Esposito In it he acknowledges the leadership of the Forza Italia group in the City Council, as noted in a note sent to Antonio Guglielmi, chairman of the same civic council. By the way this is not the only one. Marcello de Vito joined the Virginia Rocky in Forza Italia in Rome last June.

Wendy called ‘Remy’ by friends (As stated in his presentation on the Movimento 5 Stelle website), he has throughout his life been an assistant to the sales and marketing management of La Molizana Spa, He recently entered the town hall: he took the place of the resigned Antonio Masto. Since he only received administrative offices three years ago, his entry into the municipality has caused controversy 52 votes.

The councilor received only 52 votes and entered the Cambodian Assembly. The M5S was destroyed

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Who knows, he is a ‘traitor’, a councilor who voted for the center-right list in the provincial elections, not the one who was ousted by the Pd and M5S that prevented the victory of the Geolorci coalition. You may remember it: it is 5 to 5, Five seats in the center right and the same number for the Pd-M5S.

To allay this suspicion about Wendy, the mayor himself says goodbye to the adviser: “No surprise in our group being selected, At this point, From Councilor Wendy “, in Gravina’s words. “It’s a choice, After what happened By a vote expressed by the same director In the case of the provinces, We have Somehow I urge him that he did not do so before voting and that he should openly express himself only for the sake of credibility and personal honesty on the part of the voters and the 5 star movement, which is good on the lists. To remember that, I was chosen.

Among other things, Wendy’s farewell will take place during tomorrow’s city council debate on the approval of the 2022/2024 budget. “An approval that we believe can be implemented for a third consecutive year, within the timeframe set by law, demonstrates the willingness and ability of this administration and its representatives to continue to look after the public interest, yet comes first and does not take into account personal interests or benefits.”, The mayor adds.

In short, in the town hall Bad credit. The majority, led by Roberto Gravina, crease and lose pieces. Wendy was the last person to leave: before him, Bina Bazarelli, a member of the mixed group, also left. Not to forget those who gave up their place in the City Council: Lorenzo Sallestio, Giuseppe Fried and the aforementioned Antonio Masto. At this rate, Mayor Gravina’s majority will be increasingly narrow. Maybe even in 2023 regions there will be fewer cards to play even if Gravina’s forces slowly abandon him.

Elections in the province of Cambodia ended in a draw from 5 to 5. Oscar Scurdy (Pd) voted the most