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Brazilian organization in the thoughts of a senior writer of Ubisoft - Nert 4.Life

Brazilian organization in the thoughts of a senior writer of Ubisoft – Nert 4.Life

While inside Ubisoftin Assassin’s Creed operates in Valhalla’s extensions, and players are already thinking about which direction to take, especially which environment to choose Next chapters. Some rumors like the next game (expected to come in 2022) set in Europe during the Third Crusade. Is it like this? We don’t know, but we know it Valhalla’s senior writer – Alain Mersica – thinks about Brazil.

In a recent interview, Mercika said: “For me, there are Many possibilities, many to choose from to be honest. I am a person of historical interest, I am excited to think of a small group of soldiers from the lost community on the island of Malta who will be ready to jump in and make it possible. On a larger scale, I believe there is a larger cultural category in South America, and this brand has not yet been fully explored. From the Incas to the Spanish conquerors, it was a fascinating period. As if part of it touched the black flag, The Brazil area in particular inspires me. ”

Assassin's Creed Black Flag: Americans had little place in the past
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag: Americans had little place in the past

Apparently what was said This is not an announcement about the future of the series, The personal rationality of the writer. It should also be noted that if the team had already selected Brazil as an organization, Mercika would not have mentioned this region. We’re talking about the senior author of the most recent Assassin’s Creed episode, whose idea will definitely affect the direction or future gameplay of Saga’s next episode.

We do not yet know what Ubisoft wants to do with Assassin’s Creed. Of course “Where’s Wally?” Come.

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