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Bonus plan offers security card for eight Nintendo Switch games -

Bonus plan offers security card for eight Nintendo Switch games –

Anyone who buys a body game for the Nintendo Switch gets a small cartridge in a plastic box that is too big and usually too empty. Storing these little games is wasting a lot of space and material, so this may be the latest bonus in the loyalty program “My Nintendo” Be an interesting offer to one or the other of us.

Anyone who has accumulated a total of 500 platinum points in the provider’s loyalty program over the years can now spend savings on a combined security card that can accommodate up to eight bullets. In comparison, this solution is more environmentally friendly, saves you a lot of space and it should protect your Bamic chips from scratching as effectively as regular packaging. Generic box art can also be modified, with two different designs included in Nintendo’s package.

To collect 500 platinum points, you must have Use the Nintendo service for several months Take regular customer surveys about yourself. Shipping costs also range from 4 to 7 euros, depending on your vision. If you still want to see the offer, you will find it Here And all the details.

The bonus plan offers security cards for eight Nintendo Switch games

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