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Blizzard is trying to solve this 17-year-old problem, but there is no hope of a result

Blizzard is trying to solve this 17-year-old problem, but there is no hope of a result

In August 2019, Blizzard responded to the aging demand of many players, namely opening vanilla servers for its MMORPG World of Warcraft. Following the arrival of the first extension, viz Burning Crusades. But of course, the return of the first players World of Warcraft This is an opportunity to re-worry about an issue that is nearly two decades old. Although the blizzard tried to fix it, the studio’s response was not very happy.

When the coalition crushes the alliance

With World of Warcraft Classics, To provide an old-fashioned experience for blizzard MMORPG enthusiasts. Tough fights, strategic trials and slow balancing are enough to satisfy those who like the most difficult challenges. Nonetheless, cleaners are facing changes from the blizzard, with the American studio primarily seeking to offer an adventure similar to the introduction of its primary title, while at the same time incorporating elements that are considered to be the most fun: Flavors that have developed between the turn of the millennium and the present.

With The classic burning of the cross, PVP fans were able to recapture the leadership of battlefields commonly known as battlefields in Shakespeare’s language. A game mode in which the two divisions of the game, Hart and Alliance, compete with each other. So players from both factions proudly wear their colors on the battlefield and try to achieve victory after clashes alone or with others.

But the players World of Warcraft You know the coalition is struggling to recruit. Hord is preferred by the majority of players, forcing some great players to turn to the dark side Wow Very advanced content to complete easily. Because the alliance is depleted of manpower, the battlefields are fighting unfilled. Thus, Blizzard had to find a solution to tackle this problem that had lasted for more than a decade.

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This weekend, on North American servers The classic burning of the cross, PVP enthusiasts were able to test a new feature there, namely revamped battlefields. In the absence of players on the coalition side, the American publisher returned to the easy solution, which was to allow the members of the Horde to compete with each other. A feature is also available on the Alliance page. But the fundamental problem remains that the Coalition teams are deserted in favor of Hord.

An issue with no date since yesterday

For good reason, if PvP lovers go to the Horde for their characters, it’s only for the Pvp quality of their race bonus. Particularly practical skill against classes that use control effects, especially a race that is “free from all spelling, fear and sleep effects”. So PVP players tend to go to Horde to take advantage of their positive skills.

Servers find themselves overcrowded, especially since soldiers from the Horde find it difficult to find Alliance enemies. Soldiers looking for PVP motives who sometimes roamed the opposite camp areas to massacre young soldiers. Unhappy victims are sometimes forced to change pages or, worse, become employees. These are issues that players have been complaining about for a long time, but they get even more bitter after arrival World of Warcraft Classics.

With the advent of Mercenaries mode a long-standing issue that attempts to fix the blizzard in 2019 is allowing players to fight for one faction or another through contracts. However, the root of the problem remains, namely the inequalities between species. World of Warcraft Classics As in 2004, it should provide a real experience with its strengths and weaknesses. Although many players criticize the problems with it, it was the blizzard solutions to fix these “problems” that led to what became of MMORPG at the end of the day. Shadows.

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Regardless, it is unclear how the blizzard is going to fix the problem of heart-dominated servers. Return to Mercenary Mode? Possibility. However, this addition should not please the purists, as they are sometimes annoyed to see it World of Warcraft Classics Modified to be identical to current standards. For your part, do you want the Blizzard to fundamentally change its MMORPG, thus closing the Heart / Alliance gap. Feel free to respond to us via the survey and comment section below.