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Best Quarterly Achievement -

Best Quarterly Achievement –

Creed Valhalla of the Assassin Dragged down the funds of Ubisoftin To achieve Excellent quarterly record The company ended the December 31, 2020 quarter with revenue of more than $ 1.2 billion, the highest ever in history.

The new episode of the popular series played a key role in all of this: however Results To be precise, the sale of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla seems to have been at the center of this data Positive For Ubisoft, this is a clear indication of the series’ health.

On the other hand, it has already been reported that the new chapter with the Viking system has initially set a record in terms of revenue compared to the entire Ubisoft series, so now the full results have been confirmed.

This is not the only title that has contributed to this situation: Watch Docs Release: Legion also played a key role, with both games playing a key role in introducing the next genre and being one of the best sellers PS5E Xbox Series X | S., Nintendo Switch reaffirms the success of the Steel music series Just Dance 2021.

Indestructibles, on the other hand: Phoenix Rising also seems to have started well, waiting for more accurate feedback, with the potential to continue selling for a good period of time. All of these make Rainbow Six isolation deferrals (which have a different name, for obvious reasons) less complicated and For Cry6, More information related to this is pending.

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