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Berlusconi Mario Draghi Premier

Berlusconi drops allies and launches Mario Drake for Premier role

Silvio Berlusconi prepares for the government crisis and starts naming Mario Draghi for the Premier role instead of Giuseppe Conte. It was published today by Newsstands d “Newspaper” Newspaper of the family of the leader of Forza Italia

Berlusconi Mario Drake Premier

It will rain with thunder somewhere Says one Old famous proverb Often the truth is hidden in proverbs. Of Pincher Maneuver Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi In order to bring down the administrator.

Two hypotheses after the government crisis

There are two options, A Strong government reform With the change of majority, the exit of the five-star parliamentarians who opposed the entry and plan of Forza Italia. Alternatively one The real government crisis with the change of Prime Minister. The first hypothesis is very bloody, but it has difficulties that continue from the fact that it is difficult for all the majority forces to digest a scenario that would impose the most fines at the election level.

Minzolini reveals Berlusconi’s plan

The alternative situation has a certain consistency This is the real project that Silvio Berlusconi is working on. This was revealed by a humorous political correspondent, and very close to the leader of Forza Italy, Augusto Minzolini. In a background article on Newsstands D in today’s edition, DG1’s former director D. Newspaper He anticipates some of the hopes that Berlusconi made at the last meeting of Forza Italia coordinators. And they are exploding beliefs.

Tough on allies

“We have a very bad governmentMinzolini writes quoting Berlusconi Made by people Can not. But there is not enough resistance. Salvini and Meloni do not understand them“. This alone would be enough to open a crisis in political relations, but Berlusconi did not stand there.

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Berlusconi introduces the track as a premiere

“The Third Conte government is no moreKnight explainsDuring consultations I will name it Tracy I want to see if the Democrats have the courage. ” Berlusconi then, Always according to the reconstruction of Minzolini, Emphasizes the need to involve Renzi, helping him to unravel the crisis with the promise of an important role “Minister of Foreign Affairs or Defense” In the new government.

Berlusconi likes Drake Premiere and downloads Salvini and Meloni

The pin question is like this Relationship with allies, With Brothers of Italy by Georgia Meloni In particular: “The problem – Berlusconi unleashes – Our fellow passengers are not enough “. “Meloni says not always – Former PM urges – So we will keep Conte for two more years. ”

Tough relations with allies

Berlusconi tells the story through narration Relationship status Choosing candidates is an example Competition for mayor of Rome and Bologna. His Roma, Come on Expected months ago Kronaka12, The name in the field is the former head of the Civil Defense Guido Bertolaso Meloni’s thrust and pull are constant “He has a trick because he doesn’t control it” Knight sentence. Going the same Bologna Nomination of a former director of the city newspaper, The Rest of the Carlino, Andrea Congini There is a good chance of success. “But they say he’s not as usual because he’s not one of them. But how do you do that ?!”. Knight, now back on the field and very ready to play a decisive role in the political phase of the game, comments bitterly The rebirth of the country and the appointment of the new (old?) Lessee of Guernail.

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