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Bandai Namco Hosting Winter Meltdown Sale

Bandai Namco Hosting Winter Meltdown Sale

This is the most wonderful time of the year; Discount season. Bandai Namco Nintendo Switch is currently hosting a major winter Moldown sale at Eshop, which will run until December 31, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. Featured by people like Bandai Namco Sales Dragon Ball Fighter Z, Ni No Kuni, And Jump Force Deluxe Edition.

While some advertised price discounts offer smaller deals, this winter Moldown sale offers almost 85% discount on some games. Dragon Ball Fighter Z (It’s got a new DLC character) The Switch is still on sale at $ 59.99 on the Ishop, selling for just over 5 9.59.

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Includes another big discount Ni No Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch, Which was wonderfully modified for the switch in 2019. The game price is 99 14.99 instead of $ 49.99. While most of Bandai Namco’s games lean towards fighters or licensed titles, The Ni no kuni Discounted players now enjoy classic RPG.

bandai namco

One of the newest games on the list Jump Force Deluxe Edition, Which was recently released in Switzerland after being released on other consoles in 2019. $ 20 discount on the game. As for a crossover fighter, maybe only Super Smash Brothers Ultimate How many characters from different companies are in the game and can compete. Of course, Nintendo’s Smash Brothers Ultimate Brings characters from all different genres and game developers / publishers Jump Force Deluxe Edition All Shonen jump manga / anime characters.

Some of the best anime video games of recent memory are for sale. So for the admirers Dragon Ball, Digimon, Naruto, One Piece, Sword Art Online, My Hero Academy, Also, worth seeing the Winter Meltdown sale. But with that comes Disney Games, Back-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus, Katamari Tamasi Roll and Mr. Thriller Trilland. There are some options from different genres and game genres. The full list is as follows:

Captain Subasa: The Rise of the New Champions It is on sale for $ 35.99 instead of $ 59.99.

Digimon Story: Cyber ​​Sloth: The Complete Edition It is on sale for $ 24.99 instead of $ 49.99.

Disney Sum Sum Festival It is on sale for $ 19.99 instead of $ 49.99.

Doraemon Story of Seasons It is on sale for $ 24.99 instead of $ 49.99.

Dragon Ball Fighter Z It is on sale for $ 9.59 instead of $ 59.99.

Dragon Ball Genovers2 It is on sale for $ 9.99 instead of $ 49.99.

God eats3 It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 59.99.

Jump Force Deluxe Edition It is on sale for $ 29.99 instead of $ 49.99.

Kattamari Tamasi Roll 89 for 89.89 instead of $ 29.99.

Mr. Thriller Trilland It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 29.99.

My Hero One Justice It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 59.99.

My Hero’s Justice2 It is on sale for $ 29.99 instead of $ 59.99.

Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 99 is on sale for $ 11.99 instead of 19.99.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm2 99 is on sale for $ 9.99 instead of 19.99.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road Boruto It is on sale for $ 29.99 instead of $ 49.99.

Naruto Shippuden: The Ultimate Ninja Storm Trio It is on sale for $ 19.99 instead of $ 39.99.

Ni no kuni It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 49.99.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition It is on sale for $ 9.99 instead of $ 39.99.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors4 It is on sale for $ 29.99 instead of $ 59.99.

One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition It is on sale for $ 9.99 instead of $ 39.99.

Back-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus 99 is on sale for $ 7.99 instead of 19.99.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 59.99.

Sword Art Online: The Complete Version Of Dangerous Bullet It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 59.99.

Sword Art Online: Plain Perception Deluxe Edition It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 49.99.

Diego No Thatchujin: Drum’s Fun! It is on sale for $ 14.99 instead of $ 49.99.

For those who don’t have switch users or aren’t interested in Bandai Namco games, there are plenty of interesting winter and holiday themed sales. GOG now has a winter sale, Like epic games, Xbox and more. Whether it’s a gift, a thank you for buying extra money from holiday gifts, or a treat for the holidays, it’s a good idea to take advantage of all the deals that take place during this period.

Also: The biggest Xbox sales are calculated until the New Year

Source: Change the ESHB via Nintendo Everything

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