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ATA Ranking Third Band, Table Tables Table. Diploma, Courses, ID Certificates: How many points [SCARICA PDF]

The Ministry has released a three-year review and update of the ADA Rankings Third Band: 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24, with the relevant note highlighting the most important changes compared to 2017. The mandate also includes a definitive eligibility table with marks assigned to admission eligibility and cultural qualifications awarded.

When should the qualifications to be included in the application be obtained

Only notice of requirements, qualities and qualifications in the possession of the applicant is allowed by the expiration date of the application submission deadline (April 22, 2021).


The Assessable service This is related to the periods that were actually granted or, in any case, covered by the appointment or contract, the corresponding pay, which was reduced. Retention without pay, on the other hand, cannot be assessed for exclusively granted periods, except as circumstances pertaining to legal or contractual regulation (administrative order, maternity, military service, etc.) for which the length of service without pay is calculated on the length of service for all purposes.

Regardless of any economic impact, it is possible to assess those periods that are legally recognized for the candidate following a controversy with a final favorable outcome.

They are evaluable Equivalent qualifications obtained abroad. If these qualifications are not expressed in votes or judgments, they are deemed sufficiently obtained. Educational qualifications obtained abroad can be assessed only if they have been declared equal by the deadline for submission of the application or if the application for accreditation has been submitted within the above mentioned deadline.

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As far as IT certifications are concerned, the concept of DGCAS IDCRD is a novelty

Download the table of final titles
