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Apsidian Entertainment stops the eternal growth of pillars for the Nintendo Switch

Apsidian Entertainment stops the eternal growth of pillars for the Nintendo Switch

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Versus Evil for Nintendo Switch Activation However, the pillars of eternity were responsible Bad news To all fans of the hybrid version. They stop creating the title because they do not know how to bypass the hardware limitations of the console to integrate updates from the PC version. For many players, the reported issues are no longer implemented.

“We would like to meet all those who immersed themselves in the world of Iraq with eternal pillars on the Nintendo Switch. […] Thanks! Thanks for all your feedback, we were able to constantly improve the game so you can play anywhere. Getting us to that place is a huge effort. “

“Unfortunately with our updates we have reached the limit of what we can do for the game, and we have exhausted the remaining options from the original PC based on the limitations of the hardware we are working with. We understand that this may lead to issues being reported to us. […], But we can’t paste the game right now. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you will continue to enjoy creating your own story on pillars in eternity.

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Eternal pillarsEternal pillars

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