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Apple détaille l’utilisation de son fonds de 100 millions de dollars en faveur de l’égalité raciale aux États-Unis

Apple describes its use of the $ 100 million Race Equality Fund in the United States

Might be CBS Slightly Over-sold Today’s Apple “Big Announcement”. Apple is waiting to find an exclusive interview with Tim Cook from the American News Channel Issued a press release It raises the veil of advertising. This is the detail regarding the use of 100 million funds The company promised last June To fight racial inequality in the United States.

Apple Pledges will be used for a number of initiatives, all aimed at increasing diversity in the tech world. Three more important initiatives are described in the press release: the construction of a profile center at the University of Atlanta, the opening of a new “developer academy” at the center of Detroit, and the financing of two companies that will eventually invest in businesses run by ethnic minorities.

Future Propulsion Center at the University of Atlanta.
Well, seen from above.

The Profile Center is a new building to be constructed on the University of Atlanta campus Historically black American universities (HBCU). Apple pays $ 25 million to participate in its development and equipment with advanced equipment, but sends experts to provide courses and internships. There will be lessons in a variety of fields, including artificial intelligence, the pillar of modern computing.

Beyond Atlanta, all universities in the HPCU network will be qualified to establish new courses in hardware development and engineering offered by Apple, with the help of Cupertino’s experts. Finally, the Apple Scholars program will be extended, especially to provide internship opportunities at Apple at these universities.

Hailey Bryant-Roy, a student ” Everyone can tag Who will soon benefit from the benefits of Apple and the Profile Center.

In education, Apple today announced the opening of a new “Apple Developer Academy” in Detroit. This is the first time such an institution has opened its doors in the United States, but the formula has already been implemented in Italy, Brazil and Indonesia. The goal will always be the same: to open a training center to learn how to develop, without any prior knowledge.

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The Detroit Academy will provide a 30-day introduction to newcomers and then a 10 to 12 month program to learn how to build an app and turn it into a potential business. Ultimately, a thousand students each year should benefit from this learning.

Finally, Apple pays money to two companies that finance entrepreneurship from minorities. The $ 10 million will go to Harlem Capital, a New York-based investment firm, and the $ 25 million will go to Seafert Williams Shang, an investment fund that supports small and medium businesses.

Apple will participate in the funding King Center, A memoir in memory of Martin Luther King Jr.