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Another Smash Brothers Ultimate Freebie is now available for Nintendo Switch online members

Another Smash Brothers Ultimate Freebie is now available for Nintendo Switch online members

Switch Nintendo is giving away another Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Freebie for online subscribers. For a limited time, members can claim the Walt Shopper Set 2 bundle, which comes with 3,000 gold and five tickets. The latter can be done with pay before running in the classic mode for extra rewards.

To claim the Walt Shopper Set 2 pack, you need to open the Switch eShop and select the “Nintendo Switch Online” option from the left sidebar. Once you have completed it, you will see the pack listed in the other free offers at the top of the page. Click on the pack and select Download to claim it.

Like previous Smash Brothers freebies, the Walt Shopper Set 2 active payment switch is only available to online members; You will not be able to download the pack during the free trial of the service. You can find out more about subscription costs and benefits in our Nintendo Switch online guide.

The latest DLC character of Smash Brothers Ultimate is Steve from Minecraft. Blackie Fighter arrives on October 13 with the 9.0 update of the game. As with previous DLC characters, Steve brings his own new Minecraft-inspired stage, as well as new music tracks and additional spirits to unlock the game’s spirit board mode.

Steve is the second DLC character to appear as part of the Smash Brothers Ultimate Fighters pass volume. 2, followed by Min Min from Arm. Four other DLC fighters are still on the horizon, but Nintendo has not played any of them. Fighters pass volume. 2 costs US 30 USD. Each character pack can be purchased individually for US 6 USD.

ఇప్పుడు ఆడుతున్నారు: పాత్లెస్ ఈజ్ పిఎస్ 5 లాంచ్ టైటిల్, స్మాష్ బ్రదర్స్ మిన్‌క్రాఫ్ట్‌ను కలుస్తుంది, & అపెక్స్ లెజెండ్స్ క్రాస్ ప్లేను జోడిస్తుంది | సేవ్ స్టేట్

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