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Alignment of the planets: Do not miss this event that has never happened before ... 2124

Alignment of the planets: Do not miss this event that has never happened before … 2124

The planets of the solar system are aligned on Friday, June 24th. Five of them are even noticeable to the naked eye. An event not to be missed, the next screening is not scheduled until 2124.

Night owls or early waking, it depends, do not forget to raise your nose to the sky from Friday night 24 to Saturday 25 June. Planets of the Solar System Are aligned. A rare event that never happened again before 2124.

From the second half of the night, the observer can observe the five planets one after the other with the naked eye: “They are like the sun. If we look at the eastern horizon, we see them rising slightly smaller and higher. To our colleagues from FranceInfo Emmanuel Mark, teacher-researcher in planetary science at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin.

Saturn before sunrise from 5am to 6pm, “at one o’clock in the morning”, then Jupiter, Mars, Moon, then Venus and Mercury open the ball. For Neptune and Uranus, a telescope is still needed.

\ ud83d \ udd34 LIVE – \ ud83d \ udde3 At this time all the planets are visible \ u27a1 \ ufe0f “The planets rise in reverse order of their distance from the sun. At 1 a.m. we will have Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and finally the Sun, ”explains astronomer Emmanuel Mark.

– franceinfo (rancefranceinfo) June 24, 2022

To observe them, Emmanuel Mark “must see half an hour, forty – five minutes before sunrise. Beginning at dawn, the view of the planets is even better. They are all almost elevated.”

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People living in the city can also enjoy a scene according to him: “Some are very bright like Venus and Jupiter. You can not miss this even in the urban sky.”

The only thing left is to believe that the weather is favorable and will not obscure the sky (too much).