Newsup’s public prosecutor has accused Satsenhausen of aiding and abetting the murder of a former security guard at a concentration camp. He announced this on Monday when asked. “Norddeutsche Rundfunk” has already reported on this. According to the NDR, the accused is 100 years old, but according to the prosecutor’s office he is able to stand trial. The broadcaster declared, citing the District Court of Neuropen, that the man must have knowingly and willingly aided and abetted the brutal killing of prisoners at the Satchenhausen concentration camp near Berlin from 1942 to 1945. According to the report, it is concerned about auxiliary killings in 3518 cases.
It was not immediately clear whether the investigation would take place. Since the verdict against concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk was in 2011, the judiciary has not emphasized the often impossible evidence for personal crime. General training of duty in a camp where identifiable formal mass murders have taken place can also be punished by law.
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According to the monument, more than 200,000 people were imprisoned in the Satchenhausen concentration camp between 1936 and 1945. Tens of thousands of prisoners died there due to starvation, disease, forced labor, medical examinations and misconduct, or victims of systematic destruction.
Christoph Hoopner, vice-president of the International Auschwitz Group, commented on the former torture camp guard’s accusation: The persecution of criminals should not see an end even in old age. ” (dpa)
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