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After the "Sofagate" incident in Ankara: Tracy talks about "shame" and calls Erdogan "dictator" politics

After the “Sofagate” incident in Ankara: Tracy talks about “shame” and calls Erdogan “dictator” politics

Prime Minister of Italy Mario Drake Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called him a “dictator.” Drake Training on Thursday Criticism of the handling of EU Commission President Ursula van der Leyen When I went to Ankara recently.

“I am deeply saddened by the humiliation that the head of the commission has to endure because of this – let’s call her by her name – dictators,” the prime minister told a news conference in Rome. But the EU must work with heads of state like Erdogan.

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Drake’s comments provoked a sharp reaction in Ankara. Turkish Foreign Ministry Immediately summoned the Ambassador of Italy. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called Tracy’s comments “ugly and unreasonable.” On Twitter, the short news service, the minister wrote: “We strongly condemn these unacceptable, populist comments (…).”

The “Sopagate” affair has been causing a stir for days. The incident sparked allegations of misconceptions against the Turkish government.

A video shows how the head of the commission was stopped at the start of a meeting with Erdogan at the presidential office in Ankara on Tuesday, and Erdogan and EU Council President Charles Michel responded with an “um” as they sat in two armchairs standing nearby. Each other. Van der Ley then had to be a considerable distance away on a sofa.

Both sides blamed each other for this corruption. Vyas King said the seat was arranged “in accordance with the EU proposal”. He described the criticism of Turkey as “unfair”.

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The Conservatives and Social Democrats, the largest groups in the European Parliament, called for clarification on the incident and called for a full session with Van der Leyen and Michael. (AFP)