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A “new” Pro controller comes to stores, but nothing can be changed

Although nothing was enough from now on to ignite the web for several days, Nintendo decided to continue on its way and try to create as small waves as possible. OK, OK: Maybe because of the Joy Con Drift affair, it’s good for them …

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Remember: We know the second switch model is going to hit stores around the world this summer, but it’s worth going to the manufacturer’s website and seeing the subtle serial number changes.

But since nothing escapes the intense awareness of our small plant players, the shelves of a new Pro Controller model will soon emerge in the forums Restoration, Thanks to a clever little fellow who knows by heart the numbered notes of all Nintendo devices.

In fact, the photo on the back of the packaging (Available in our Image Gallery) Shows the code 104889E, We previously saw the entry 104889D. Awesome! Suddenly, tweets Spawn wave Immediately landed on removing this new Pro controllerFinally, this model started production between May and June, not much changed:

There is no big difference in the new amendment [de la manette]. The directional cross seems to have changed slightly, […] The center point appears to be one millimeter long. So there is no need to buy this new model.

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Well, in Video Do it the next day, Spawn Wave still declares that this directional pad is “a better click” than the original., This, you probably know the happiness of some Against the militants It runs on Nintendo’s traffic console. If the Japanese glove from the back of the bundles doesn’t come as a surprise … what do you think?