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A fan has compiled all the Super Nintendo game manuals for you to download for free

A fan has compiled all the Super Nintendo game manuals for you to download for free

With the advent of digital downloads, The physical form of video games is a thing of the past Even more so when it comes to textbooks. Manuals that were once included in game boxes have gradually disappeared and become PDFs or links to websites. Fortunately, there are such people Kerry Hayes who undertook the task of To get all Super Nintendo game manuals They should be scanned and offered for free download.

Hayes, also known as Peeps, has been streaming Super Nintendo games on Twitch for 8 years. website Stream He says that’s one of the reasons he decided to create this collection There isn’t a good source of SNES manuals on the internet.

After a few years of searching for a wayback machine, buying a scanner, making many friends, and getting almost 100 people’s scans on the internet, I now present to you all: the complete collection of SNES manuals in English.

web SNES Manuals Archive Includes catalog of 844 manuals All with a link to the web archive. These files are shared for non-profit and educational purposes to avoid unleashing Nintendo’s wrath. There are no donations, ads or Patreon rewards, just dedicated people scanning the manual and sending it to Peeps.
Disney's Aladdin Super Nintendo Manual
Although most of the content comes from NTSC English releases, PAL manuals are available in Spanish Disney’s Aladdin And Fair football. The list includes stones like Super Metroid, Mega Man X, Super Mario Bros oh Gaia’s Illusion. There are also modern manuals like Star Fox 2They have been adapted to the original format as published in 1992.

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The project isn’t just about the Super Nintendo, it’s about all consoles

According to NPR, Biebs started his collection with 650 scans Also requested the support of other internet users to collect as much as possible. The SNES Manuals website also has a (still incomplete) list of Super Famicon releases or links to other projects, such as manuals for the Nintendo 64 and Virtual Boy.

Project Manager Purpose Copy this project to all consoles In order to preserve this material as much as possible.

For me, everyone should have access to these things when they want, where they want.

Beeps asks that anyone who has access to the booklet, poster or special edition scan it and send it to him. The Super Nintendo Collection can be downloaded here Internet Archive Or you can access each one individually using the Internet. There is a link to 724 high-resolution manuals compiled by another user, although Hayes’ list is more comprehensive in English.

Star Fox Super Nintendo Manual

Biebs’ compilation work is something to be admired. He set himself the task of collecting all the manuals, but he Ensure that the digitization is of high quality and that the final version is provided free of charge All.

Textbooks are a perishable art. Three decades ago They were an essential part of the video game Includes controls and instructions on how to play. In some cases, guides, cheats, or a map for the first levels were provided. As console generations progress, Textbooks are no longer relevant. Back in the PS3 and Xbox 360 days, companies like EA or Activision only included a sheet with warranty information and web links.

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