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A brief plume of smoke from the boiler room leads to the deployment of firefighters at Roher Im Gremstall.

A brief plume of smoke from the boiler room leads to the deployment of firefighters at Roher Im Gremstall.

A brief plume of smoke from the boiler room leads to the deployment of firefighters at Roher Im Gremstall. Lauber

Online from 04.04.2021 at 10:05 pm

Roher at Kremstall.

The fire brigade was on duty Sunday evening after a short puff of smoke grew from the boiler room of a house in Roher Im Gremstall (Stair-Land District).

Emergency services at a family home in Roher, Kremstall, were called by the key word “fire house.” Residents noticed the smell of burning and smoke rising from a basement area.
“During the investigation of the situation, no further smoke growth could be detected. Later, the boiler room was checked by a thermal imaging camera and the heating was temporarily shut off,” the Rohr Im Kremstall Fire Brigade said.

A brief plume of smoke from the boiler room leads to the deployment of firefighters at Roher Im Gremstall.

Photo: Lauber

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Presented by Matthias Labor
Created on 04/04/2021 at 10:00 PM,
Posted on 04/04/2021 at 10:05 pm,
Last updated on 04/04/2021 at 10:05 pm.