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Download FamilyWall for free on Futura

Download FamilyWall for free on Futura

FamilyWall is a real family dashboard. Just as convenient as working with your colleagues and groups, FamilyWall becomes a way to share information between single family members. Everyone can download and use the app on their smartphone or tablet and sync all the information. FamilyWall can be accessed through its online service and by downloading mobile applications for Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad).

Instead of having to use multiple applications (such as messaging, calendar, photo sharing app, listing and reference apps), FamilyWall offers all the features you need for your communications and sharing in one place. In a single interface for all family members, you can: Create a shared calendar (which includes all of your kids’ activities and family gatherings), create a to-do list (especially popular shared shopping lists. Don’t forget one item again), your meal for the week, and more Also plan menus for the coming days and weeks.

FamilyWall also has the option of locating your family members. The app realizes the location of each family member’s smartphone in real time (if it’s installed on it), allowing you to verify your children’s whereabouts, and you can also generate alerts when they arrive. Or drop out of school. It is optimized to use as little power as possible with the location function to avoid draining the battery of the installed smartphone.

The secure personal message in it allows you to chat with all members of your family. You can literally chat, send audio messages, share pictures, photos or videos, insert gifs, emoticons and more. Messaging allows you to chat in groups or pairs, and create the groups you want.

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FamilyWall is a free ad-free application. Some features can only be accessed by subscribing to the premium offer: location sharing, cloud storage, syncing your calendars with Google or Outlook, and cookbook. The family wall was created in France.