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France Relance en Moselle Publications and Useful Sources

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France Relance en Moselle Publications and Useful Sources

Updated on 12/09/2021

France Relance en Moselle Publications and Useful Sources

Since March 2020, the government has been fully mobilized to confront and protect the country from the economic and social consequences of the Govt-19 crisis. The immediate and strong response mitigated the first shock. After returning to school, it is time for the country to look to the future, even if the virus is still prevalent.

The Prime Minister presented on September 3, 2020, with the intention of expanding the initiatives implemented with the support program The “France Reliance” project is a roadmap for the country’s economic, social and ecological restructuring. The program is the result of a broad national consultation set up to learn the lessons of the crisis. This is part of a continuum of projects undertaken since the beginning of the five-year period.

Purpose: To create 2030 France. The resources allocated by the government and Europe are substantial and aimed at meeting the challenge: 100 100 billion or the state’s annual budget. 40% funded by the European Union, mobilized by member states until 2026 and repayable by 2058. The recovery plan allows France to position itself in the (again) sectors to create value for growth in the future. Tomorrow’s drivers. Its mission is to create new opportunities for young people, those who want to retrain or gain new skills. France, like Europe, must be allowed to assert its strength and its charm in the international concert of nations.

Crisis brings opportunities : It made it possible to acknowledge the major social challenges of this century, highlighting the resources that France already has to respond to and develop. The resume creates the momentum that each one needs to capture on their own level. The recovery plan makes it possible to unleash the nation’s potential to resume growth. To do this, the government plans a “simplification shock” to ease its allocation. The Renaissance will revive the regions and give birth to a better living community: more stable, more united, more independent, in line with the aspirations of the French.

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