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No more delays, this is official -

No more delays, this is official –

Decland announced Dying Light 2 Stay Human Is now official Gold. This means there will be no more delays and disk printing can start now. In addition, designer Smektala shared a message dedicated to the event.

“We’re so excited: we just now understand that this is actually happening!” Said the leading game designer Timon Smectala In a press release. “After many years of hard work, we’re proud to be able to release Dying Light 2: Stay Human”.

Dying light2

Smektala then continued: “Here we are. This is it The final and important moment For us. The game is ready to release, but we will not slow down. The fact that the game is over and that we have reached the gold level two months before its release is an important sign, but that does not mean that our work ends there. Some more updates and changes are to be added, and the community concept is yet to be implemented, but the foundation is solid and ready to play. I’m so proud of the whole team! ”The designer said that the chance of Dying Lite 2 being delayed again was“ zero ”and it was over.

According to the designer, the gold version is not really a solid one, as it is now Appendix D1 (Then), but we are sure there will be at least last minute surprise postponements. Fans of Dying Light 2 Stay Human already had to endure various delays, so we hope this is a positive announcement for many.

PS5, Xbox Series X | Note that Dying Light 2 Stay Human will be available on S, PS4, Xbox One and PC (Steam and Epic Games Store). February 4, 2022. Additionally, it will be available in the Cloud version of Switch, on February 4, 2022.

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