Following the announcement of Sora’s arrival at Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, the Japanese account Kingdom Hearts The director of the series shared some messages from Tetsuya Nomura, Who spoke 20th Anniversary of the Series. translated Nomura’s tweets from Japanese into English. The director of Square Enix said here:Sora Final Super Smash Brothers was selected as the Ultimate Fighter. Since it was decided and we got the invitation, I continue to look into adding Sora, and I have seen how careful the developers are. I hope you all are satisfied. Mr. I can never thank Sakura and his staff. ”
He added: “Thank you to everyone who supported Kingdom Hearts in their celebration 20th Anniversary March 20, 2022. We have prepared the trailer for this event in anticipation of some of the upcoming celebrations. Stay tuned for more information on each new feature in the trailer. We have planned many things that will not be shown in this trailer. Look forward. “The trailer can be found below.
The trailer did not provide specific information about the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts. We do not know when that will be, whether it will be a live or digital event. We hope there is more news The next episodes of Saga.
If you are a fan of Saga, here is our article dedicated to Kingdom Hearts 3: The Best (and Crazy) Mots Between Donald Duck and Peter Griffin Clones.
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