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Dropbox Capture: Screen recording for new teamwork |  Free press

Dropbox Capture: Screen recording for new teamwork | Free press

Dropbox is one of the most popular online storage providers. However, the company has long been providing tools for collaborative planning and work. However, it is text based. That is changing now.

Berlin (dpa / tmn) – No long emails or text documents that no one reads anyway. And no more epic video calls at impossible times. Dropbox follows this approach with a new tool for visual communication through screen recording.

It is called
Hold on Records screen or webcam images that can be shared with others. Others, for example members of distributed groups, but not clients or project partners. Since the whole thing does not happen live, it also works in different time zones.

For now, the tool is only available in English – for free

Capture includes practically all imaginative and useful recording footage: screen shots, screen videos or screen videos are possible with exaggerated webcam video for personal interpretation. But you can also create and share animated graphics (GIFs), pure audio recording and webcam photos.

Since Dropbox wants to get the first experience with the new tool, it is free to use for private and business purposes indefinitely. Capture is initially only available in English. If you want to use it on Windows or Apple computers, you need to download and install the software from Dropbox.

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