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Szene aus dem PlayStation 5-Launchtitel Demon

Bluepoint Games: Sony Interactive Kaft Demons Souls-Studio

PlayStation 5 Release Title Demon Souls Display by Bluepoint Games (Image: Sony Interactive)
PlayStation 5 Release Title Demon Souls Display by Bluepoint Games (Image: Sony Interactive)

According to Housemark (ReturnSony Interactive takes another PlayStation 5 success guarantee: Demons Souls makers from Bluepoint Games.

When it comes to remakes or remasters, Bluepoint Games is one of the best addresses in Austin, Texas – it’s been 15 years: when the PlayStation 5 launched on November 2021, the 70-strong team controlled the highly acclaimed action play Demon spirits It has been sold almost 1.5 million times.

Previously, the developers worked The shadow of the giant figure (2018) and The Untitled: Nathan Drake Collection (2015), both for the PlayStation 4.

Today was KnowSony Interactive continues its shopping business: Bluepoint games Becomes part of the PlayStation Studio, Insomnia games (Ratchet & Clang: Except for the split, Spider-Man: Miles Morales), Short dog (Untitled, Our last part 2And guerrilla games (Horizon: The Forbidden West) Belong to.

It is not yet known in which sport the BluePoint team works. One thing is for sure: the next project is not a once new version, but a completely new game.

Sony Interactive continues to rely on internal studios and significantly expands its capabilities: This year, the PlayStation manufacturer has taken on a number of smaller and larger studios, including Finnish studios – with additional small PlayStation exclusive titles. Housemark (Return)

Editor’s note: The original version of this post was also purchased by Sony Interactive Sumo Interactive (Sackboy: A Great Adventure). That’s not right – The buyer in this case is Tencent. Please forgive the mistake.

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