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Il Garante: attenzione al microfono sempre acceso sullo smartphone

Privacy Guarantee: Always focus on the microphone on the smartphone

We don’t think about it but there are many dangers from microphones in our smartphones, mainly caused by the processors we download on our mobile phones. Many applications, in fact, include the use of a microphone in the access permissions they need at the time of download. Once you agree, the game is “done” without thinking much and inquiring about the use of your data. The Privacy Guarantee has now begun an investigation into the use of this illegal data.

How the investigation began


Cookie Policy in Italy: Strict Guidelines for the Privacy Guarantee

The commission launched the investigation after several users reported that it was enough to say a few words about their tastes, plans, trips or simple preferences to see advertisements for a car, a travel agency or a cosmetics product. So an investigation has been launched, which explores a series of highly downloaded processors to verify that the information provided to users is clear and transparent and that their approval has been obtained correctly.

Clear information for users

The new functionality integrates into the already started processor regarding information simplification through codes and images so that users and consumers can make free and informed choices in a concise and effective way.

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