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The trick to using WhatsApp if you have a zero battery

The trick to using WhatsApp if you have a zero battery

Sure you came to the end of the day with an empty mobile phone but you need to organize yourself with friends or keep working. If so, you’re either panicking or begging for a message from someone or you’re forced to go home and spend precious minutes recharging the minimum battery to use WhatsApp.

However, the news site is now meeting us in this sense, which protects everyone who forgets the charger or is constantly struggling with the battery of their smartphone.

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As Gatecard and Mark Zuckerberg have announced, one of the apps’ next functions is to be able to connect your WhatsApp web even when the phone is turned off so you can access your conversations and groups (which also works on the iPad).

Initially many devices will have small limitations in the tools that maintain the connection between the phone and the web platform, otherwise it will save your day.

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