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Irresponsible “politics” plays with the fate of citizens and unleashes its faults on them

“It does not reduce cases but stimulates vaccination” and “does not reduce cases after implementation”. These words, published byAdn Chronos On August 3, they were presented by one of the most listened to and followed experts in the Italian mainstream stream, Andrea Chrysanthemum. Sometimes, in this one and a half year of epidemic and health, social and economic tragedy, for a few seconds the truth will explode from above and the facts will appear before all of us. The story of these weeks is that we need to differentiate between those who are close to the risk of green pass zero infection and, on the other hand, those who experience it at the highest level. Krishanthi, on the other hand, openly admits that this story is a story or a little more. In the middle of winter, the coat can help protect us from the cold, but if the temperature is too cold, an illness is always possible. One of the most recognized virologists from the big media and Italian companies said practically the same thing. And he adds another basic part, changing the whole axis of the debate: it is not a health measure in the strict sense, but a kind of communication strategy.

In earlier days, a similar analysis had already been carried out There is an alternative, The parliamentary committee was made up of former 5 stars Drake Government And with whom Civil action It made an important political agreement for the Constitution in the Senate, which is part of the mixed committee “People for the Constitution”. In the campaign, in the chaos and in the chaos of these months, note ( ) Starts from a basic point that should be taken normally, but in the current discussion it is not taken casually: வோம் We will immediately make it clear that we do not have no-vaccine, we do not deny the effectiveness of vaccines. While we do not explicitly deny the existence of an epidemic, it is in fact growing more and more like a “syndrome” and we have repeatedly emphasized this, so it is stressed on social media about the overall socio-health environment of the country இது It is not an effective measure to prevent the spread of the virus and the spread of the virus There are many physicians who agree that, on the contrary, the relaxation of social distance measures due to the “green pass” guarantee would be paradoxically supportive of the spread. One of the members’ note is that the epidemic effectively “maintains the rules of logic precaution and above all intensive care, public health and home care will be strengthened”.

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Normally where it is is not in Italy

“In a year and a half, no interventions have been made” and “what we usually do in other countries seems impossible” is a stern warning.National Association of Head Teachers The interview with Krishanthi aired on La7 on the same day. What should be normal is to protect the most vulnerable, to protect health, to equip public health and health workers as needed. But the news before and after the epidemic gives us a lot more. These miserable months seem endless, with a resumption and exit from the epidemic and a series of events, the memory of last spring is rapidly erased. Take with him everything that happened or did not happen but it is in the news and in history. In the face of thousands of deaths and the most severe criminal catastrophes justice and hearing the total and absolute truth. The families of the first victims who protest these days, many of the “enemies” who actually act on the peace and established power of the mainstream, from Liu to the League – amendments with a pinch – have made the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the epidemic really useless and powerless. A commission that could not investigate what happened in Italy after the declaration of a state of emergency failed to implement national and regional epidemiological programs in the first red areas missing in Alsano Lombardo, and what happened between Italian companies and the World Health Organization. Including how much Francesco Champagne, After his straight pay, he denounced in his book “Small fish”.

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The first weeks and the irresponsibility of today

During the weeks of February / March 2020, very different estimates were added from inadequacy and disability, health and public safety. How Alternatives are reported in The Green Boss. “The dead are on the conscience of those who destroyed public health” and “Politicians blamed for thousands of deaths in recent weeks” harsh j’accuse di Antonio Ingroya In an interview with WordNews ( And in a press release ( E-Scaricaparile-reciprocity-dovrebero-solo-vercognarcy / Signed with civil action. “A state that should be one of the primary assets to protect health must be prepared to face such disasters. What’s even worse is that there was such an emergency prevention plan, but only on paper. The facilities were not adequate at the right time. Then running to the closet was unfortunately too late. The catastrophe and today’s deaths are on the conscience of those who destroyed the public health service, and this tragedy is a vicious accusation against the political class that has ruled Italy in recent decades. Apparently, not ready when an emergency comes, breathing apparatus is oxygen to life just as other constitutional rights and other freedoms that are the oxygen for democracy are drowned out in the name of emergency – harsh warnings. During the interview, our director highlighted the communications disasters – the mirror of improvement, inadequacy and amateurism“. A few days ago New York Times He published a lengthy survey of the “Italian case” to study “how we should not deal with an emergency like this epidemic”. Civil action attacked in April 20 report “Very specific bad and unacceptable political choicesAdded to this was the pressure of the contingent lobbies, whose sole aim was to protect their profits by preventing the implementation of the Red Zones in Lombardy, “in which the plans against national and regional epidemics were not ready and on par with the state machinery.” The lives and safety of citizens have been sacrificed for the benefit of a few. ⁇Public health workers find themselves in an indecent and shameful situation, negotiating payments in gold with private structures, they are too tired and at risk, undergoing drastic changes and without care and control, hospitals and homes for the elderly have become hot beds with hundreds of deaths – The most serious accusation of the political movement – Apart from TV shows and pathetic controversies, this dramatic evolution is a disgrace that will fall entirely on them and lead them to go into hiding and take no responsibility. Not even as their own condominium landing executives. The costs of health inquiries in various regions (previous and subsequent) were “paid in full by the citizens, but they always came into power from the first hold of the league” and public health was plundered. “To feed private individuals” 37 billion

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In the ensuing months, the commissioners were in a queue. , Controls and “color zones” are still messy administration made possible by the inability of health care administrators or even by “unauthorized” vaccinations? – Defining a disaster is a flaw. Back to the beginning of this article, Krishanthi, basically agreed Green Boss It is a solid tool for advancing the vaccine campaign. Again everything was unloaded on the citizens, who irresponsibly closed their eyes to what they were doing in the secret rooms. Vaccines firmly believe that they have changed many times (always astrogenic dosage) and in fact citizens are being asked for a hope, which has been condemned in recent days in L’Antidiplomatico’s article , It is impossible to know their gentlemen at first. One and a half years after the onset of the epidemic, he was only interested in a pathetic fight between political factions and to defend other interests.