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Was the name suggested by Metal Gear Solid 5?  Fan Hypothesis -

Was the name suggested by Metal Gear Solid 5? Fan Hypothesis –

Confusion around Abandoned There seems to be no end to it. The Blue Box Game Studios game is still shrouded in mystery, and at the moment, fan hypotheses about the exact nature of the video game are many and varied. For some it’s Silent Hill, for others it’s a casual indie, for others looking for connections with Metal Gear Solid. Now, some believe Name “Abandoned” had already been suggested Metal Gear Solid5.

As you can hear below, either Audio recordings You can hear inside Metal Gear Solid 5, in which the characters talk about the various clones of the protagonist. The last twenty seconds of the recording contain the most interesting part, which can be called “Abandoned” or “We abandoned him” or put the name in English, “We may be and call him Abandoned.” But we know that “Abandoned” is not the real name of the Blue Box Game Studio : This is a code name.

So, what the hypothesis is, the code name of the game is another reference No. We think the connection is a bit exaggerated, but it is not an impossible thing. The real thing is, that doesn’t mean Kojima is behind the work. Note Blue box may be a deliberate choice of game studio. Or is it coincidence: after all it is a simple word, not a strange or less commonly used word.

For now, it seems that the real developers of the project are stuck in a mix of hints and coincidences that gave the project more visibility than Blue Box Game Studios expected. Postponing the presentation to improve what was abandoned did not look bad in front of the team and the whole world. We hope this issue will be resolved soon. Meanwhile, fans are watching PT in the new film of the game.

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