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The washing machine utility wants access to contacts, otherwise refuses to work

The washing machine utility wants access to contacts, otherwise refuses to work

of Rhonda Bachmann
Everyday devices are getting smarter and smarter. In addition to lamps and heaters, most refrigerators and washing machines can be operated using utilities. Two apps from Smart Home Samsung are now attracting the wrath of users. Programs want comprehensive access rights for phones, otherwise they do not want to do their job.

Along with smartphones and apps, some manufacturers want to make the operation of home appliances easier and more convenient. After heating and lighting, the refrigerator or washing machine should become part of the smart home. It is nonsense if they want to access permissions that they should not search for related applications.

At Reddit, a user is now excited about the use of his washing machine. The “Samsung Smart Washer” app requires access to contacts, phone, location and camera. Otherwise it simply refuses to work. The message called other users on the scene, announcing that another app called “Smart Home” from Samsung needed the same permissions. This app can control a large number of Samsung smart home devices.

Both apps have a bad rating in the Google App Store. While users of the “smart home” app mainly regret running the program, the “smart washer” app is primarily about the insanity of authentication. In the store, Samsung explains why licenses for apps are required. Location query is required to find nearby smart devices. You can contact the service center with telephone access. Authentication is required for contacts for services and contacts for linking accounts. Error codes must then be recorded via camera.

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At Reddit, many users claim that they do not believe they can control all of their devices with their smartphone. Some people do not understand why a refrigerator or washing machine should be connected to an application or even the internet. With the app, devices can still be operated manually in the old fashioned way.

They are: Golem, Reddit, Google App Store * 1, Google App Store * 2

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