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Call of Shadows is now run for free even from one browser -

Call of Shadows is now run for free even from one browser –

This time version Browser of Raptor: The Call of Shadows It seems to have been RemovedMay be due to copyright issues. Let’s see if it comes back online in the next few hours or days.

Original story:
Classic shooter Raptor: The Call of Shadows Now running Browser, Of course always Free. For those who do not know what we are talking about, this is a title published in 1994, which caused a stir for its technical qualities. The PC was a little more difficult to manage scrolling (even though things were greatly improved compared to previous years) and high-level operations were difficult to detect, but the Apogee software was called “Quality. Arcade”. That is, it had features and games comparable to the most popular arcade titles.

Contributing to the success of Raptor: The Call of Shadows is also a distribution system: the first episode was released for free as shareware, while the last two episodes had to be purchased. To give a popular example, this is the same economic model that Doom published.

But not much conversation now. If you want to run Raptor: Call Shadow from your browser and go to him page of The game is compatible with various keyboards and controllers.

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