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Performance and stability are now satisfactory

Performance and stability are now satisfactory

A short distance from Cyberpunk 2077 is back in the PlayStation Store And change of policies Cyberpunk 2077 Cash Back at Xbox Store, Management CD program RED Provides some interesting insights.

In particular, the CEO of the Polish Software Home, Adam Kisinsky, Spoke WSE Innovation Day Conference, On this occasion, he officially announced an important turning point in the release support process for the game. Six months after the first day of Cyberpunk 2077, he says, “We have reached a satisfactory level” of Stability And quality Performance Of G.D.R. However, this does not indicate a slowdown in the activities of the CD Project Red Group.

Henceforth, Kissinsky noted that developers will focus on improving other features of Cyberbank 2077. “We have worked hard to improve Overall quality, – CEO said – We are very satisfied. Of course, we got rid of it Error and glitch, We will continue to do so. Over time, we will introduce improvements General features of the title The players brought it to attention“.

At the same time, C.D. Most of the professionals working at Project Red will continue to work on realizing DLC ​​and the next gen version of Cyberbank 2077, both content expected in 2021.

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