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Éclipse partielle solaire photographiée au lever du jour sur une plage du Massachussets. © Zev Hoover, Christian Lockwood, Zoe Chakoian, Apod (Nasa)

If you missed the solar eclipse, here are the most beautiful photos

This Thursday, June 10, the ring of fire did not notice a part of our planet’s northern hemisphere. The first annual eclipse of the year, and 16e Of XXIe Century, this part of the world was submerged in the moonlight. Futura has created for you a selection of the most beautiful images of this sublime celestial event.

Earth, Moon and சோலைல் Today, June 10, 2021, stands in line to deliver an amazing aerial view. In an area 500 km wide from northeastern Canada to Siberia, people living north of the planet, crossing Greenland and the North Pole, can see a ring as seen above Fire Float in the sky. The moon crossed the sun, casting its shadow on us, leaving only a thin crescent at the end Light, Thus a Annual eclipse Of the sun. Since this year.

In France, the eclipse was 13.12% in Paris, but can still be praised. The event began at 11:13 a.m. and reached its peak apogee It ends at 12:12 pm and 1:15 pm, lasting a total of two hours and two minutes. Those unable to attend can watch the live broadcast from the Paris Laboratory (Available here). In areas inhabited by other peoples of the world, in the highest place Latitudes, Fortunately, the sun was at a maximum of 87.8%. The event is rare and it is necessary to wait until April 8, 2024 to see something similar.

Below, ThePartial eclipse Of the sun seen from France at the same time Space station Ann Transportation. Another extraordinary film by Theory Legalt.

Above, beautiful photos released by NASA of the event.

In Toronto, residents were luckier than France and were able to appreciate the Ring of Fire with their own eyes.

The shadow of the moon could even be seen from space as it crossed the North American continent. Of satellites NOAA Was able to capture this wonderful moment.

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Below, John Cross, the primary photographer of the spatial theme, gives us a quick view of the path of the eclipse in the Michigan sky.

Another photo from Michigan.

Depending on the time and place of observation, the devil will think of the horns in the fire.

This photo was taken Telescope The sun also allows you to see Solar flares, Is larger in size compared to Earth.

This phenomenon lived on the front, most of the American landscape.

The light diffused in water and colors is more reminiscent of a painting than a photo …

How to observe a partial solar eclipse this Thursday, June 10th?

Article Natalie Mayor, Released on 06/10/2021

The moon is going to eclipse the sun for the first time this year. Annual eclipse covering almost 90% of us Star It will only see a simple – but wonderful – fire ring. From the mainland of France, the eclipse will be partial. But it can still be followed.

“The sun has an encounter with the moon, but the moon does not, the sun is waiting”, Sung by Charles Trennett in 1939 with his famous spirit. This Thursday, June 10, 2021, there will no doubt be the Moon and the Sun. Epimeris definite: On this day, for the first time this year, the moon will slide between the sun and the earth, obscuring the sun and casting a shadow over some parts of the world.

The Astronomers Talk to one Annual eclipse. This is because, on June 10, 2021, the Moon will appear farther away from Earth – just hours after its peak – slightly smaller than the Sun, in order to appear in our sky. So even Stars Properly aligned, the Sun’s ring is visible around the Moon. To see this view of nature, you must be in the northeast of Canada, the northwest of Greenland, the North Pole or the Far East of Russia.

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Some have already imagined that the eclipse sun would rise over Lake Superior Do On horseback. Above the polar region, at the equator, the annual eclipse is expected to last 3 minutes and 51 seconds. But don’t get me wrong, drop Brightness, In the middle of the “Midnight Sun” period, will not be more important than the equivalent of a cloudy day. The sun shines only one-tenth of the total light. However, the sky can take on a deep blue color and landscapeFriday.

Solar eclipse, beware of danger!

A partial solar eclipse can be observed from northwestern North America, the North Atlantic Ocean, much of Europe and much of North Asia. In Paris, for example, this Thursday, Thursday, June 10, at 12:12 pm the eclipse will be at its maximum, but at that time, the Moon will not be more than 13% of the Sun. Suffice it to say “The”Now», You will not see … Nothing!

In any situation – including during an eclipse, including the total – you have the opportunity to remember to look directly at the sun. Even if it is fitted for a few seconds or “classic” sunglasses. The Eye risks Are real. Because of the damage Retina May be irreversible. Notice one solar eclipse ToEye Naked, it is necessary to equip yourself with special glasses designed from a filter film. CE marking glasses. Also keep in mind that the performance of this film may decrease over time. It can be damaged without realizing it. So it is better to use only new glasses. Otherwise, a welder’s glass may be appropriate. But there is no need to adjust and manipulate.

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Indirect observation with an astronomical instrument can also be selected. For example, by displaying a picture of the sun on a white paper screen. Or by equipping the tool with a suitable filter.

Tips and tricks for observing the June 10 eclipse from France

But with two sheets of white cardboard, aluminum foil, tape and a paper clip, learn how to create your own “pinhole camera” to enjoy the eclipse in complete safety. Make a square cut in the center of the first sheet. Aluminum plate was glued on it. A small hole drilled in the paper with a paper clip. By placing this assembly on top of a second sheet that acts as a screen, you can create a sun-free image.

L ‘solar eclipse Broadcast live on June 10, 2021:

© Sebastian Voltmer, YouTube

To prepare, do not hesitate to consult Interactive map Uploaded by IMCCE. It brings all the local conditions of the June 10 solar eclipse.

The annual solar eclipse lives off from the Arctic. © NASA, YouTube

The annual solar eclipse lives off from Canada. © Data Visualize, YouTube

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