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“Music School Integrates 2021”: Download Learning Units, Initiatives and Their Summary

“Music School Integrates 2021”: Download Learning Units, Initiatives and Their Summary


“Uniting the School of Music” is an important national music festival founded many years ago by the Ministry of Education and targeted all Italian schools. The event, which has been going on for about thirty years, was traditionally held in a school that rotates every spring, in 2020, for the first time in virtual mode on the Indian stage. He has been promoting and organizing the XXXI edition of the Indian Review in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the National Committee for the Practical Learning of Music for All Students.

Stage, music events, webinars, seminars

In light of the limitations imposed by the Assembly Rules aimed at controlling the epidemic from COVID-19, it aims to give schools of all levels the opportunity to share and represent the musical activities implemented during the 2019/2020 school year. At the same time there is room for teachers to reflect on innovative teaching practices related to music learning in school. During the event, in addition to children’s performances, numerous webinars and thematic seminars were attended by: musicians, teachers, school managers, university professors and national and international conservatories. It is possible to significantly expand the audience of participants and successfully collect extraordinary musical contributions shared free of charge by schools, students and their families, whose participation is open and completely free.

National Music Week at School – National Review of Educational Institutions

For many years, the Ministry of Education has been promoting initiatives to support the practice of music, in which it recognizes the value of specific education and training. Music training contributes to the balanced development of the individual and by making the most harmonious use of the various abilities of the human mind, it supports and enhances learning by promoting integration between different components, logical, cognitive-motor and vulnerability-community. .

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Musical activities with the nature of displacement at the academic and institutional level

Led by Professor Luigi Berlingover, the Ministry is developing research programs aimed at developing music experiences and activities into one, based on indications and programs derived from the National Committee for the Practical Learning of Music for All Students. And institutional status, educational programs and cultural policy, supported by significant training interventions for music teachers organized in conjunction with Indra.

Continuous sense of music training teaching at all levels of school

At the national and European levels there is a cohesive disciplinary and cultural framework in which this week’s initiatives are inserted. In the context of the processes of regulatory innovation, a framework, in particular, saw the commitment of the Ministry to promote those efforts aimed at restoring the continuing sense of music practice teaching at all school levels.

Legislative Order No. 60, “Order of the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers on the Advancement of Human Culture, the Improvement of Art Knowledge and the Practice of Cultural Heritage and Products” and the Decree of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers dated 30 December 2017, “Option to implement the regulatory framework already outlined in Act 107/15 by issuing adoption related art activities Further confirmed.

The organization of “National Music Week at School” is also part of this school year, considering the regulatory framework and the Govt 19 emergency situation. The National Committee for the Practical Learning of Music for All Students is organized in conjunction with INDIRE from 24 to 29 May 2021 to provide a definitive signal of the strategic importance of music practice as an educational factor for youth. Institutions education “unites the music school”.

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Opportunity to testify to the importance of musical activity

This week, educational institutions have the opportunity to testify to the importance of the musical activities they perform throughout the school year, and to use the numerous personal or collaborative art experiences conducted by students of all ages in schools of all types and degrees. .
In light of the limitations imposed by the Assembly Rules aimed at controlling the epidemic from COVID-19, the Ministry of Education seeks to provide educational institutions with the opportunity to share the musical activities implemented during the 2020-2021 school year. Provide space for teachers and students to reflect on innovative teaching practices related to music learning in school.

The review will take place at the portal

  • The review will take place throughout the week on the portal and will feature a 24-hour program: training moments for teachers through webinars and streaming seminars;
  • Spreading videos sent by schools to document music activities carried out during the 2020-2021 school year or the 2019-2020 school year, until they have already been delivered in the previous edition of Music Week at school;
  • Providing regional good practices for network activities proposed by regional school offices;
  • Broadcast short audio / video / testimonials from teachers or students, containing short stories about motivations and emotions in practicing or listening to music.

Good regional music practices

The General Managers of the Regional School Offices, with the support of the Managers of the Regional Offices and notes on the activities of the Department, will present and promote good regional music practices as indicated in the Indian Regulations. School managers are thus sharing as widely as possible the music experiences undertaken during Music Week and the current school year.

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Unites the school of music: the band from a distance. Example of Morgan’s IC Malibro

“Playing together is always possible!” Despite infections and difficulties. “This idea, which was initially fearful and now a strong determination, has become a guide in the planned planning of all musical activities realized from 23 February 2020 under the guidance of IC Malibio de Morgan’s Musical Instruments Department. The health emergency may have silenced a school with a strong musical tradition such as Malibro. , But the instrumental teachers, backed by the head teacher, have been reworked by colleagues, especially music and art and film, collaborators, families and students.

“After months of testing compulsory remote controls, it has become clear that technology is not the enemy of music performance, but rather that it has become a decisive and important medium for the new generation, accustomed to using and enhancing content on video and social media. With sufficient capability, we were able to create audio / video products that were highly captivating and satisfying to the end user. ”Manuela Sardorado, Professor of Talented Managing Education

UDA for single cycle, attached as examples

  • UDA popcorn prelude-concert at the end of the year
  • UDA Christmas Concert
  • UDA Memorial Day
