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The Ocarina of Time is coming to the computer, and fans are cracking down on the game - Nert 4.Life

The Ocarina of Time is coming to the computer, and fans are cracking down on the game – Nert 4.Life

There are fans decompilato 65% off GameCube Master Quest Edition The Legend of Zelda: Occarina of Time, Can run quickly PC, As happened with Super Mario 64 some time ago.

The group calls itself the Zelda Reverse Engineering Group (ZRET) and has its own Official site (To the delight of Nintendo’s lawyers). For some it may be small, but in essence the chance of running Code By default on the system, not by emulation, it opens the door to full upgrades for Super Mario 64.

For example, you can freely increase the resolution, you can open the framework and create modes that make profound changes in the game as the developers have direct access to the code. Think about the radiation tracking support included in Super Mario 64 to get an idea of ​​what we are talking about.

According to the improvements found on the ZRET website, it is still a few months to see the PC version of Ocarina of Time. As previously announced, decay has now reached 65%, with an improvement of + 5% within a month. At this rate we will see something firm in the second half of the year.

The choice to decompress the GameCube version instead of the Nintendo 64 is derived from the presence of some debugging commands that make the process easier.

Obviously a must Working port This will not be enough to disrupt the game, and it will take more months of work. As always in these cases, Nintendo is likely to do everything in its power to stop the project … failed (Super Mario 64 port runs smoothly on illegal circuits).

The Legend of Zelda: Occarina of Time Priesto su PC
The Legend of Zelda: Occarina of Time Priesto su PC