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A trailer shows the added effects of Nvidia's RTX cards -

A trailer shows the added effects of Nvidia’s RTX cards –

The Blueprint team has released a new horror trailer for The Media to showcase the graphics quality of the game that users of Nvidia’s RTX cards enjoy. According to the film’s description, the medium will make full use of the features introduced with Unreal Engine, Microsoft DirectX Retracing and Nvidia’s DLSS version 4.25 (later).

Before departure, we remind you that the PC and Xbox are in mid-development for the Series X and Series S. It will be released on January 28, 2021. If you would like more information, please read our preview of The Medium:
The middle left us with a good impression. It is clear from the outset that it is the most ambitious and technologically advanced project created by the Bluper team, and its consistent, ancient adventure speed is the perfect foundation for the game’s creepy atmospheres and spiritual world game variations. . It’s very quick to break the balance, but if the atmosphere is at this level throughout the campaign and the storyline is equal, we can have a truly memorable horror adventure in our hands.

Medium coxswain

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