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Science.  By 2020, the Earth is turning fast (slightly)

Science. By 2020, the Earth is turning fast (slightly)

Since the rotation speed of our planet was a bit fast last year, we have to believe that even the Earth wanted to finish 2020 soon, According to scientists interviewed by the British newspaper The Telegraph And Online Science Journal of Physics.

They confirm that July 19, 2020 is the shortest day ever recorded, with the planet changing in less than an average day at 1.4602 milliseconds, due to various factors: the moon, snow levels, mountain erosion …

This acceleration will continue in 2021, according to their mission. As a result, 2021 atomic time should be 19 milliseconds (the amount that adjusts our world clocks).

An excellent first

As a result, experts are considering the use of a leap second used from time to time to align atomic time with solar time and to adjust the integrated universal time.

Reducing the year to one second would be best from the first, because if physicists had already assisted with this type of adjustment (from 1970 to 27 seconds) each adding question would be a second leap.

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