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4 months before their releases, the Scarlet and Violet editions were completely leaked

4 months before their releases, the Scarlet and Violet editions were completely leaked

Should be out by the end of the year Editions Crimson And Purple of Pokemon. But just like previous installments in the franchise, now a major leak has been leaking content since last week. Unreleased pokemon, regional forms, new gimmicks, lifespans, part of the game, all are there or nearly so.

Leakage that is difficult to control

Pokemon fans are used to it, and leaks are good for Game Freak’s franchise. Nintendo struggles to control leaks and the most curious feast on crisp information months before versions even come out. For months now, regular but light, and above all intriguing, leaks have been appearing on the Internet. Just from last weekThe leak became more intense. The scraps gave way to veritable volumes of precise information, leaving little room for interpretation.

Listed by the specialized Spanish Twitter account @CentroLeaks, we’ve compiled the information below in a more digestible form for you:

  • This region is called Baldia ;
  • Mega Evolutions aren’t coming back;
  • The map is important 3 major cities, 9 small towns ;
  • The Pokemon regional count is 400 to 500 Pokemon;
  • There will be 120 to 140 new Pokemon;
  • 2 new regional formats: Tauros and axolotls ;
  • 3 new dog Pokemon. One of them is the Specter Pokemon;
  • A new spider Pokemon;
  • No third legendary;
  • Three new tricks: Crystallization, Ancient and Future Species And this Regional fakes (Game mechanics are explained in detail below);
  • Get Legendary Pokemon Ancient/future species, But this content can be kept for DLC;
  • Ancient/future species cannot evolve;
  • Bom, Scalbre, Scalpion, Colossing, Insolorto, Carnebre There will be new developments;
  • Not all of Hisui’s Pokemon will be in the game;
  • Tediursa, Todola, Rotum, Muplodocus, Heliastem, Fireforever, Smokoko, Garzomp In the game are;
  • Capumine, Bazoogan, Souvsaurir, Lugia, Ho-O, Coupheral, Rongoormand, Meteno, Statitic, Milobellus, Vilord, Metalos, Lipodo, Kolmastok Not in the game;
  • The game will feature side quests;
  • There will be a group of 4 legendary Pokemon;
  • Eveni has no new evolution;
  • Pokemon travel through time, not the player;
  • Dreamfire will have an ancient race;
  • Gatoiso will have a future race;
  • Character customization is very limited there. Clothing options are limited to school uniforms;
  • Game is required 60 hours To the editor of the leak, he admitted that he was not particularly well.
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As for these “3 tricks”, it’s not new Pokemon game mechanics. The Scarlet and Violet editions come with a whole host of new features, starting with three new features: Crystallizationthey Ancient and Future Species And this Regional fakes. Introduced in the ninth generation of Pokémon, these tricks are meant to spice up the adventure:


In the case of Crystallization, this mechanic changes the Pokemon’s appearance when increasing a certain type (selectable), causing this type to gain an additional damage coefficient. A mechanic is implemented by using an item that can be used by most NPCs.

Ancient and Future Races:

As their names suggest, these species are future and ancient forms of existing Pokémon. However, they will have their own name, their own Pokemon number, and will be their own Pokemon, not just new forms.

Regional Fakes:

“Regional clones” are described as a small group of new Pokemon that are similar to existing Pokemon. “Clones” are sure to delight internet users, such as Dryopicker’s clone, a water-type eel Pokemon with a similar face that behaves just like Dryopicker.

Blurred images

Of course, there would be no leaks without their share of blurry images. From new Pokemon to evolutions of beginners and arena champions, many images have appeared on the Internet, giving the curious something to eat.

Potential Pokemon Scarlet and Purple image leaks

Looks like pictures of different characters from the game have leaked online. The source is not verified, so take them with a pinch of salt.

These must be gym leaders.

July 11, 2022

Second collection. Is the last character another contender?

Alleged Gym Leaders:

Bug, Leaf, Water, Ice, Normal, Electric, Psychic, Ghost

July 11, 2022

Oops, missed a gym leader pic.

Thanks @realblaines For taking pictures without watermarks.

July 11, 2022

Well, the same source that posted the Gym Leaders leak also posted these new Pokemon / forms.

July 11, 2022

This is also published by the same source

July 11, 2022

Amoonguss and Wigglytuff are a new type of Pokemon introduced in Gen 9.

Not regional forms, not evolutions, but a new concept.

July 12, 2022

Sprigatito evolution (grass / dark) and Quaxley evolution (water / fight) on the back.

July 12, 2022

More images of new Pokemon.

The first film is a new gimmick.

July 12, 2022

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4 months before their respective releases, eds Crimson And Purple So it should be content to see their content gleefully leaked onto the internet. On your side, are you satisfied with these leaks? Feel free to reply us via the comment section below.