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2nd booster (or 4th dose) against Covit-19 ... how do I know where I am ...

2nd booster (or 4th dose) against Covit-19 … how do I know where I am …

Two years after the onset of the Govt-19 epidemic, a new wave (7th!) Emerges just before the summer holidays. Tuesday, June 28, France Register of Public Health a Very strong rebound in new cases of pollution 147,248 or 54% more than a week ago. Around you, no doubt you hear the phrase we all wanted to forget: “He’s not coming, he’s a cowboy!Faced with the increase, Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne backed the recommendations of Health Minister Brigitte Borgnan. Recommends putting the French mask back on public transport and in closed spaces. The Prime Minister also invites people from People over the age of 60 and very weak can check their vaccination schedule with the 2nd booster dose or the 4th dose.. They will receive an email from the health insurance company in this regard in the coming days, but here’s how to find out if you are one of them.

2nd booster booster or 4th dose, who cares?

Ever heard of “2nd booster” and “4th dose” without understanding the difference? Don’t worry, it’s the same thing. Ideally, some people had covit during the 3rd dose and are entitled to their booster dose today. They are not in 4 needles, but 3, which is why we are talking about the “2nd booster”. This reminder aims to protect the most vulnerable from extreme forms of the virus.

Who cares:

  • People over the age of 80 and living in nursing homes, As well as Immunity is low, from 3 months after the first booster injection
  • From March 14, 2022, People over the age of 60 can get this 2nd booster 6 months after the first booster or Govt-19 infection.
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Have you caught Govt-19 since your first recollection? Suggestions vary slightly:

  • If you had If the first booster has been sick for more than 3 months, a second booster is not needed. The infection acts as an injection.
  • If infected Within 3 months of the first booster, a second booster is requiredAt least 6 months later.

To see more clearly, you can go to the official website: By entering your date of birth and the dates of your vaccinations, you will know if you are eligible for this booster dose.

This second booster dose should be carried out with the vaccine Ambassador RNA (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), regardless of vaccine received for previous injection.

Help, I do not remember when I was vaccinated!

You have incorrectly kept your paper vaccination certificates And do you not know the date of your last dose against Covit-19? Here’s how to find it:

1) In use All anti-Govt: Go Certifications -> “Cornet & Pass”If you downloaded your vaccination certificate while the Health Pass was in effect, it will be registered there with the date. If you have deleted it, download it again.

2) On the official website You can find your vaccination certificates by going to France ConnectBy signing in via your Amelie account (Where If you have lost your Amelie password, you can request one again by clicking “Forgot Password”. If you do not have Online accountIt only takes 2 minutes to create one!

3) Tell your pharmacist: You can ask your pharmacist for help finding the date of your last injection, thank you Main card.

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4) With your doctor: If your injector has given you an injection, he can help you get your vaccination schedule.

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