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2021 Competition for Italian and Italian Illustrators Abroad 'Fairytale Lawn' is Back - Base Italia Press

2021 Competition for Italian and Italian Illustrators Abroad ‘Fairytale Lawn’ is Back – Base Italia Press

UN The PRATO DI TIABE XXI edition competition will resume in 2021

The competition is open to all Italian and Italian writers and illustrators living abroad.

This year Prado de Fiabe has a great message for teachers. They don’t have to send a free themed fairy tale, but stick to the theme we want to talk about this year

Our jungle is an imaginary forest, with a wide range of meanings.

Jungle means we ferment, innovation, revolution. Wherever there is room for creativity and imagination, there is the Jungle.

Look at it as a prism.

From a material point of view, the jungle may be a human, animal or vegetable complex.

From an ecological point of view the jungle is a city, a sea, a cosmic place.

From an emotional point of view, jungle can be a complex of thoughts, feelings, emotions.

We allow you to choose other perspectives as long as they are new, original, and contemporary.

We love princesses in trainers, princes riding scooters, computer characters.

We love the world of fairy tales that everyone can meet.

What a jungle it is … !!!!

All teachers who wish to participate

At Un Prato di Fiabe, they are required to download the Contest Announcement and Release Registration Form and each author can send their works to the Competition Secretariat by 30 June 2021 following the various points described in the announcement. [email protected]

All ILLUSTRATORS who want to participate

At Un Prato di Fiabe, they are required to download the Contest Announcement and Release Registration Form and follow the various points described in the announcement so that each illustrator can send their works to the Competition Secretariat by June 30, 2021. [email protected] For the first examination of the arbitral tribunal. The organizers will hand over twelve final charts (along with a summary table and description) of one of the final fairy tales at Prato de Fiab 2021. Once the illustrations of the fairy tales handed over to the various illustrators are available, the arbitral tribunal will reconvene and determine the three illustrators and nine statements on the platform. All the rules are well explained in the competition announcement and we invite you to read them carefully.

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Download Notice for AuthorsCall for Teachers-Fairy Tales-2021

Download Notice for IllustratorsAnnouncement -2021-Illustrators-1

Authors: Download the registration and publication form to be attached to the work you are sending:Sheet-authors-record-publishing-

ILLUSTRATORS: Download the Registration and Release Form to be attached to the work you are sending:

Download and attach to the work you send Release for minors:Juvenile Release-2021-1

To contact our secretariat, write: [email protected]

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Jobs required in the notice after 30 June 2020 must be received by mail.

Cover by Massimo Albaoli, coordinator of Prato de Fiapin

Dear friends, we look forward to seeing you in this new edition of Prato de Fiapin which will become twenty one this year. An important milestone for all of you that we would like to share with you enthusiastically.

Follow us on social media with confidence for the next news on the many activities planned for PRATO DI FIABE this year



We are waiting for you !!!!!!

What a forest it is !!!!