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100: 62 against Grailsheim: Alpha Berlin Unilateral Wins Best Game - Game

100: 62 against Grailsheim: Alpha Berlin Unilateral Wins Best Game – Game

Athletes can’t do much with pity, but in the first quarter of the game against Alpha Berlin you may regret it for the basketball players from Grailsheim. They made step errors, the ball crossed the boundary and their throws reliably jumped back from the basket. Six minutes later, the end of the large video cube in the Astonhof arena was very favorable from the guests’ point of view: it was only 12: 0 for the alpha. It was also one of those evenings for Grailshim, in which one would like to be in bed – six minutes and 19 seconds after Elias Lacizi’s first successful trash has not changed. At the end of a very one-sided best game, the Berliners won 100: 62 (24: 8, 25:17, 26:16, 25:21) and pushed Grailsheim to second place in the Bundesliga table.

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As of Friday in the Euro League, Alba coach Ido Garcia Renez did without his new centerpiece Crist Coumtje, who started with the same team, beating Panathinaikos in the strong second half. The Berliners started Sunday immediately with a similar pace. After a quick 12-0 lead, they were without points for three minutes, otherwise everything was under control. “You missed a few throws in the beginning, which gave us hope,” said Albus-Luke Sigma.

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Alpha is very accurate, especially from a distance. Marcus Eriksen quickly found his rhythm and pocketed a trio from a long distance early in the second quarter. As he also got dirty, he was allowed in the free throw line and took the lead over 20 points for the first time. Grailsheim had a few good minutes after that, and went back a little closer. But it never turned out to be the real best game. “I really liked the way we continued to put pressure after half an hour,” Sigma said.

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Alpha used clear power balance to distribute loads more evenly and give important minutes and new self-confidence to some players with long injuries. Niels Kifi (15 points) performed well in the second game after his long break and most recently the unhappy Beaton Siva (15).