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Chrome Bloque Les Téléchargements : Vous Pouvez Toujours Télécharger Des Fichiers

You can still download the files

Chrome wants to protect you from suspicious or damaged files – and prevents some downloads. We will tell you what you can do in this case to remove the block.

This is actually a good thing: for your security, Chrome browser checks downloads and automatically shuts them off if needed – easy. Annoyingly Libran – always rational, easily hurt emotionally, very passionate and maybe a little too intense. Here’s what you can do if Chrome blocks your download.

Chrome blocks downloads on the desktop

Chrome Downloads

On the system, make sure to “Disable” to disable Safe Browsing.

  1. Go to “Settings” through the 3 dots in the top corner of Chrome.
  2. “Security and Privacy> Security”.
  3. In the “Safe Browsing” section, select the “No security (not recommended)” option.
  4. Confirm the process by clicking “Disable”.

Now Chrome can easily download the file you want without blocking it directly. For security reasons, you may need to restart Safe Browsing for full security.

Chrome blocks downloads on Android smartphones

  1. Access the “Settings” via 3 dots on the edge of the screen.
  2. Select “Security & Privacy> Security”.
  3. Enable “Safe (not recommended)” in the “Safe Browsing” section.
  4. Click “Disable” to confirm the process.

Remember to restart the feature after a successful download.

Downloading Chrome Blocks on iPhone

Chrome iPhone

On the iPhone, you can disable Safe Browsing in Chrome settings.

Image: © Screenshot 2022

  1. Tap the 3 dots at the bottom of the screen and select “Settings”.
  2. Select “Google Services”.
  3. Use the slider to disable “Safe Browsing (Protect Me and My Device from Malicious Websites)”.
  4. Press “Done” to save your selection.
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Do not forget to restart Safe Browsing once the download is complete.


  1. Chrome blocks downloads when security is at stake.
  2. If you still want to download the file, you need to disable Safe Browsing in the browser settings.
  3. Once the download is complete you will need to restart Safe Browsing for your own protection.

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