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Windows 11: Microsoft testet neuen Task-Manager als App

Windows 11: Microsoft testet new Task-Manager als App

Microsoft testet Task-Manager von Windows 11 in Form einer new app, in the same way Dark Mode and a new Ansicht bien soll. The Task-Manager-App is no longer a solution to betting on Betriebssystem, with the latest highlights of the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22538 and the Hilfe des ViVe-Tools Testen.

Der new Task-Manager

You die website Deskmodder The most interesting test, Microsoft’s newest Task-Manager-App for Windows 11, is the fastest way to get rid of all the entwicklungs standstill nonesht ohne genetics wins. Now, with the help of probing verifiers, you can test your app.

Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from the new Task-Managers. Windows 11 Insider Preview 22538, the Microsoft western im Dev Channel is very friendly, sowie das ViVe-Tool v0.2.1 (ZIP), welcome to the Entwicklerplatform platform GitHub to connect with people.

Start the Task-Manager-App
  • ViVe-Tool is hosted by Archive Entipacken
  • Rechtsklick in the Ordner window at the Windows Terminal

Anschlieeend sind nur noch the following Befehle dier Eingabeforderung des Terminals ezugegeben:

  • . vivetool addconfig 36898195 2
  • . vivetool addconfig 35908098 2 (Neue Ansicht)
  • . vivetool addconfig 37204171 2 (Dark Mode)

Uber die Tastencombination Windows + XTask-Manager You are currently browsing the archives for the New Task-Manager-App category. In this install the app you like the most fast, with the Welcome Tab the Task-Manager start and welcome theme is the fastest soll.

Anwender, the Websel Zum New Task-Manager wizard macro wollen, nutzen hierfire ernut das Windows Terminal and go to your Folgt:

Task-Manager-App Deactivate
  • . vivetool delconfig 36898195 2
  • . vivetool delconfig 35908098 2
  • . vivetool delconfig 37204171 2

With Hilfe des Vive-Tools lassen sich zudem weitere noch verstickte Install and Features in jeeviligen Insider Preview von Windows 11 free. Welche das sind, kann der von Rafael Rivera Get the most out of Entwicklerplattform GitHub entrepreneurship on the Internet.

Ein Backup wird zwingend empowered

If you have a systematic system with this Tiefe this backup zwingend staff. Microsoft Implements these Features to download Firm Entwickler and gibb it with your Dev Channel frees.

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