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Windows 10 21 H1: Update already on PCs

Windows 10 21 H1: Update already on PCs

Windows 10 21 H1 It may not be a big release, but it does include Some news. Update, currently Available For those who enroll in the Insider program only, it will be distributed with the same functionality as Windows 10 20H2, or so-called “activation package”.

Windows 10 21 H1 already exists on PCs

The method used by Microsoft to release the update was successfully tested in an earlier version of the operating system. Users should only download small “Activation packageFrom the Windows Update that prompted the installation of Windows 10 21H1 ”(a few kb). Files really Already on computers, January and February 2021 with overall updates.

To confirm, search for the file with the word “21h1” in Explorer. The result is:

Windows 10 21 H1 package

So the files are already on the system disk. “ClickTo activate the installation process. Windows 10 21H1 is expected to include security patches released in recent months (they will only be installed if the operating system is not up to date) and some business-oriented improvements.

We will have to wait for more substantial news Windows 10 21 H2. It will be a big release because a complete interface overhaul is planned, as it is known Sun Fence. The announcement will take place between April and May, probably during the conference Create 2021. In the same case, launched Windows 10X.

However, it is time for that Project Late. This is the plan that comes with it Android application on Windows 10, Using the Windows subsystem for Linux. Applications are distributed through the Windows Store, but do not require Google Play Services. The first preview is expected in the second half of 2021.

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