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Will it backfire with older Nintendo consoles?

Will it backfire with older Nintendo consoles?

Have you ever wondered if you can use your Nintendo Switch to play video games owned by past Nintendo generations? A question may seem obvious but at the time many were asking themselves Evaluate the purchase of the switch.

It is useless to go too far around it: Unfortunately, the answer is no. Even if you bought games for the previous Nintendo console via EShop or have old cartridges, you will not be able to use them Click. As stated clearly on the Nintendo website:

Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games purchased at the Nintendo EShop cannot be converted to the Nintendo Switch. There is a completely new way to play on the Nintendo Switch console and there is no backward compatibility with download or card games designed for other consoles or systems.

After all, many of Nintendo Switch’s classic games from previous generations are on sale in eShop or cartridge format. Bioshock e XCOM 2Except, Dark souls, The trilogy that came to power in Spyro e Release the killer’s faith, To name the most important. Then how can we forget Disaster e The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt? Not to forget the Nintendo re-versions for games like Pigmin 3 Deluxe and the like New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe, To name two.

In short, despite the lack of real backward compatibility, this console continues to amaze and keep people talking about itself. Recently, Doug Bowser (head of Nintendo’s US division) confirmed it The Nintendo Switch is in the middle of its life cycle.

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