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Wild boar urgency, requires more park guards and less waste.  But the barrel discharge is between the municipality and the region

Wild boar urgency, requires more park guards and less waste. But the barrel discharge is between the municipality and the region

They roam the streets, walk the sidewalks, and take root in public gardens. The presence of wild boars in the territory of Capitol is a constant. At first glance the Marino administration is years old but in the last five years they have increased significantly. Moreover, the species in circulation was introduced in Italy for hunting purposes, and is particularly fertile.

The expression of the Capitol

Who should set aside escalators from gardens, sidewalks, and public areas of the city? The issue has been the subject of a new controversy between the city and the regional administration. The first, through its mayor Virginia Rocky, complained to the prosecutor about the second. This is because, according to Capitol executives, the large and uncontrolled presence of wild boar in urban areas is the result of the failure to advance and / or implement Lazio Region’s performance management plans.

The municipality basically considers the area to be “failing to prepare management plans” and therefore refers to it as the main responsible for the breeding of these animals. However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Lukashenko’s government. And Metropolitan City, memorable, has always been a company headed by Mayor Rocky.

But there is another aspect that condemns the Capital region, citing the memorandum of understanding that three companies, including the former province, have signed. In fact, the company, led by Roma Capitol Ginger, recalled that it was “necessary to identify regional structures capable of receiving organisms in the context of numerical control measures”. Of these structures, there seems to be no trace of the so-called “oasis for uncle” in the five-star description. Overall, in the dispute between the two local authorities, who has the biggest responsibility?

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Wild boar management: What the municipality, region and former province should do

Functions of the Municipality

“While it is true that wildlife is a regional ability, it is also true that it is up to parks to devise control plans when there is a surplus of one species – Romania leader Marricio Cuppioti explained – the presence of wildlife outside the parks involves the direct intervention of the municipality.

Kuppioti, head of the regional organization that manages about fifteen public green areas, including parks and reserves, said the control programs now in place would “guarantee” a “significant number of heads” with grip on cages and fences. ” Some do not – or because there are only about twenty park rangers in Romanathura, from human resources, which makes it difficult to control the population pressure of wild boars, even for some destructive acts caused by cages and fences.But why are these animals not in their natural habitat, why do we continue to find them on the streets of Rome?

Inspired by the waste in the city

“Of course keeping the city clean would be a perfect barrier to combating the presence of wild boar in search of food on the streets of the capital because – the bottler recalled – the real reason wildlife is leaving its habitat is the search for food.” Not only the head of the regional organization supported it. Wild boars, like other wildlife, came to the city because they were attracted to garbage, which was shared by science enthusiasts and scientific communicators such as biologist Francesco Petretti. So we have to solve this problem. The Memorandum of Understanding signed between the various companies cited in Capitol’s report states that the municipality is responsible for all measures taken to avoid the presence of waste “on the streets and in green areas.” In which – the protocol says – excessive growth of plants can provide heat with a hiding place.

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What needs to be done to reduce the presence of wild boars

Outside of the return of classic talent, wild boars continue to rampant in the city for a variety of reasons. Because there are not enough cages or people for regional power. And because the city is struggling with recycling waste emergencies. And it is easy to find enough food for the growing chicks in the middle of the garbage bags.

What to do next? The city can keep the streets clean. On the other hand, the region needs to increase the provision of cages and park guards. Together, the two efforts will help reduce the number of wild boars in circulation in the capital. Otherwise, after each report, the difficult conflict between the Capitol and the region will resume. To the delight of the nomads who do not walk around the city.