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pandemic steam

Why was the digital game removed from Blinds?

Virtual version of Pandemic Board game removed from lists and stores, without anyone knowing why.

Since the beginning of the year, there has been a particularly sensible video game. Very cleverly, in fact, it will disappear unnoticed from a few online stores. This International spread, The digital version of the hit board game released in 2008. Published by Asmodi in France, The title left Steam on January 6 without a word, A site that is simply registered as having been withdrawn at the request of the publisher.

Today, it simply does not appear on the search page. This is not obvious in the physics board game that is still available on many retailer sites. As a reminder, in International spread, You and your comrades are part of an elite group fighting four deadly diseases. Your team will travel around the world to develop the resources needed to prevent the spread of the disease and find ways to cure it. “A game in the taste of the news, it ended up being confusing.

Azmodi runs the custom card

Following this sudden and strange disappearance, a user decided to send a message to Azmodi, to which he replied. International spread Removed from store For many reasons we cannot express. In addition, we know that the game will be phased out from all other digital stores by the end of this year. The company explains:

First of all, we would like to thank you and all the epidemiologists for your loyalty and support over time. We worked hard for the epidemic for 4 years and pulling the game out of stores was not an easy choice. This decision was taken with a heavy heart for many reasons we cannot express. Currently only the PC, App Store and Google Play versions are retired. The Microsoft version will continue on January 31, 2022, followed by the Nintendo Switch at the end of July 2022.

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However, Asmodee did not elaborate on the popular “reasons” for this hijacking or what will happen to players who purchase the title, which is still displayed on the Nintendo eShop for 19.99. We therefore advise you not to offer this on the sites mentioned by the company, He must of course be contacted by official news to inform his players of his serious decision.