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Why can't I download the BitLife Street Hustler update?

Why can’t I download the BitLife Street Hustler update?

Why can't I download the BitLife Street Hustler update?

Image via cCandywriter

Kenriter tweeted two days ago that he was dropping the Pitlife Street Hustler update on both sites available Tuesday morning. For most people around the world it is already Tuesday and for some it is not yet available for update. Many Android users have not received the update yet. There may be a number of reasons why the update may not reach every user, from time zone confusion to operating system version priority.

Related: How to Complete the Queen Mom Challenge on BitLife

When will players receive the Beatlife Street Hustler update?

As there is no official date or time for the update, we will have to wait for the official confirmation through CandyWriter through their Twitter account. Contractor has always posted about their updates, and Bitlife Street has not yet tweeted about the official release of the Hustler update.

How to download and play BitLife Street Hustler update?

Once the update is complete, you can go to the respective store to update your game. After the update, go to the main menu and check the Street Hustler option in the work pack. Pay $ 5.36 to open and you can start running the new update.

To learn more about BitLife, see how to adopt children on BitLife or become a king or queen at BitLife in Pro Game guides.

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