After May 15, WhatsApp will not immediately expel users who do not comply with the new General Terms of Use (D&C). A little flexibility will be allowed, try to bring them back.
WhatsApp has redesigned its arguments to improve its acceptance of future public use conditions (D&C) – which opens up new possibilities for data transfer with Facebook – among other things. A revised communication campaign has been launched with the aim of gathering user consent, especially as new banners teach more education in their approach. However, at one point WhatsApp is very clear: if a user does not accept the new D&C before May 15, they will no longer be able to use the app. In fact, WhatsApp has provided a mechanism that is a bit less compelling and more motivating.
Got the message, waiting for the verification of the D&Cs
In a descriptive email sent by WhatsApp to some partners, we learned that users who do not accept the new terms after May 15 will be able to receive calls and notifications continuously for several weeks. However, they cannot send messages or make calls. If you can respond to an important message received, it is a kind of “last chance” to encourage the most reviewer to accept D&C.
On the other hand, if after a few weeks these users are not yet configured to accept the new terms, they will be effectively logged out of the platform – after 120 days of inactivity – and their accounts will be automatically deleted. The Frequently Asked Questions WhatsApp has been updated to reflect this process, which is described in black and white.
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