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WhatsApp: This error is annoying - we will tell you the solution

WhatsApp: This error is annoying – we will tell you the solution

WhatsApp: This error is annoying – we will tell you the solution

This is WhatsApp

Germany’s most popular instant ambassador: WhatsApp.

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Share It has long been an important means of communication for many people. Messenger is a part of daily use which is the reason for its simple and practical use. But with Share Not everything is running smoothly.

This is because the messenger has been hit by a bug that is very annoying to some users. Here’s what you can do about it.

WhatsApp: An error occurs in the nerves of users

If you can not use the voice messaging function properly, it can be very annoying. A few know it ShareUsers with related error are very good: when you receive a voice message, press the “Play” button, but it will not play again. However, it can also be used for other purposes – for example, mark it with a star, respond to it or delete it.

+++ WhatsApp: A promising project – but nothing in that +++

It does not help to close the app or restart the smartphone. The only solution to asking for voicemail is to ask the sender to send their own voicemail back to you. Computer magazine “MacWealth” reports.


This is WhatsApp:

  • Instant Message Service was founded in 2009 in Santa Clara, USA by John Goum and Brian Acton.
  • In 2014, Facebook Inc. bought WhatsApp for $ 19 billion
  • The application is available for all common operating systems: Android. iOS, Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile
  • The beta test of the WhatsApp business started on January 25, 2018 in Germany
  • WhatsApp payments are currently only available to users in India, but will soon be available in other countries as well
  • After several updates, you can no longer send messages via WhatsApp, but make calls or hold video conferences.


Solution to WhatsApp problem

To send your own voice message, you must first click on it until it is highlighted in blue. A menu will appear with the arrow pointing to the right. If you click on it, in the next step you can select to whom the message should be sent.


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The reference icon indicates that the message was sent later. After all, such a message can be played without any problems “McWeld” Writes. This means that you can at least hear the message with the error. (nk)

But there is another issue affecting voice messages on WhatsApp. If these suddenly disappear with you, here is what is behind them <<