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What are the keys and techniques for good collaboration within teams?

What are the keys and techniques for good collaboration within teams?

Cooperation is at the heart of the proper functioning of a company. This includes allowing employees to easily share information and allowing different groups to operate seamlessly on the same project. For this, it is necessary to put in place effective processes that allow each department to do more than just stand alone. On a white paperAsana, a job management site, explains how to help everyone cooperate more effectively each day. The company reveals the secrets of the success of the most successful teams.

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Follow good practices

Within an organization, groups can be quickly realized by organizational tasks. It is necessary to identify which collaborator should take care of this part of the project, who should send some documents, and which staff should be responsible for the final presentation … To increase productivity, it is necessary to allocate information and set aside time. Everyone can focus on its core business. For this, it is necessary to put in place procedures that clarify the procedures to be followed throughout the work.

In the same way

Flags of the European Union.

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In this guide, Asana gives you a summary of the most effective strategies to organize yourself in a more peaceful manner. They are summarized in four simple steps. Setting team goals first. Initially, it is desirable to define a maximum of three working axes. They are generally consistent with the key objectives that your company needs to achieve. They will then make it possible to identify higher targets. However, changing the overall scope of guiding the entire organization into team goals can quickly seem complicated. By downloading this white paperYou will find three questions that will guide you in cultivating these goals.

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The second step is to make a connection between these and a project. In a significant moment, less than half of employees recognize how their daily activities contribute to larger organizational goals. It is essential to list potential tasks to achieve these goals, establish a solid strategy, and identify the most appropriate teams. In this guide, Asana also provides organizational tips. He reveals the last two steps needed to improve cooperation between his teams.

Get inspiration from big business

Asana has helped many large companies improve their cross-team collaboration. These client cases will be useful to understand how the most successful companies operate with the right synergy. This is especially the case with zoom. At the beginning of the health crisis, the number of employees in the video conferencing site increased from 2,400 in January 2020 to 5,700 in June 2021. This meteorite development, coupled with the rapid development of operations, made cross-functional collaboration more complex.

If faced with this problem, the team should reconsider and find a way to establish a link between each department. For this, Zoom adopted the task management solution. It allows each employee to get an overview of the company’s performance and each person’s responsibilities. By downloading this ebook, you will find examples of the Awin Affiliate Marketing Technology Platform and the Christian Dior Perfume House.

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This white paper is essential for any company that wants to improve communication within its organization and the productivity of its teams. Don’t forget to download the seat guide Learn about the best practices and best strategies!

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